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Building long-term, sustainable communities

a person plugging in an electric vehicle
a leaf

Protecting and preserving our planet

On each of our developments, we aim to mitigate our impact on the environment through a range of actions, including flood impact assessments, ecology surveys, biodiversity mitigation, and environmental impact assessments.

a hand turning a thermostat
decorative orange-block graphic

Building better

As a company, we aim to create long-term, sustainable communities in which our customers want to live. These communities will be built with the intention of protecting the local environment, ensuring that we care for and maintain as much as possible.

No matter the development, we want to offset the effect we have on the environment. To do this, we’ll carry out a comprehensive range of risk assessments and surveys, covering local ecology, flood impact, and much more.

As we embed our new strategy, we plan to introduce further initiatives and KPIs across the business that will have a positive influence on biodiversity and the wider environment.

We are exploring a range of environmental partnerships with NGOs to provide focused volunteering opportunities for Bellway staff and communities, as well as strengthening long-term objectives for sustainable, climate-resilient developments in the UK.

a person wearing a hi-vis jacket, holding a clipboard and checking a window

Our progress so far

  • From the 1st July 2023, new sites submitted for planning will deliver a 10% biodiversity net gain.
  • We have created a Bellway BNG+ promise on all new sites secured.
  • We have signed a conservation partnership with the nature charity ‘Plantlife’ and are working with them on providing Space for Nature information packs for our customers to implement in their homes.
  • We have identified five locations across the UK which will support our new community woodland initiative

Minimising our impact on biodiversity enables us to create communities that are built for the future

a person holding a mug and looking out a window

Targeting environmentally friendly solutions

10 %
We will continue to deliver new developments with a 10% biodiversity net gain.
We will continue to explore opportunities to establish a biodiversity partnership with the aim of delivering volunteering opportunities, investigating biodiversity and carbon offsetting opportunities and helping to shape Bellway’s evolving biodiversity strategy
Create a new community woodland to benefit both communities and biodiversity as part of every new Bellway planning application
Ensure that the mowing regimes on all new Bellway developments are beneficial to invertebrates
Support Bellway customers in creating a ‘space for nature’ in the gardens of their new home
Investigate the potential to utilise existing Bellway land to deliver a range of eco-system services to benefit the environment
We are delivering Bellway BNG+ promise on all new sites secured
a person in a hi-vis jacket

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