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Quality and Safety

Building quality homes, safely

a person plugging in an electric vehicle
a leaf

Aiming high to ensure quality and safety

The health, safety, and wellbeing of our colleagues and subcontractors is our highest priority. This is an area which has always demanded our full focus, but there is still room to improve. By setting ambitious goals for our organisation, we will raise the quality and safety of our work to even higher levels.

a hand turning a thermostat
decorative orange-block graphic

Our key areas of focus

We actively promote safe working on all our sites, using training, toolbox talks, informal and formal inspections, and best practice forums. We also encourage our colleagues and subcontractors to talk to us on any areas of concern regarding health and safety.

We are placing even greater focus on health and safety by measuring our RIDDOR rate to cover all members of staff, not just those on our sites. Furthermore, we are using technology to improve the reporting and analysis of any health and safety incidents – this allows for more timely investigations and ensures that preventative measures are introduced.

The mental health of our colleagues is also vitally important, which is why we are increasing the ratio of mental health first-aiders and implementing mental health wellbeing training to raise awareness.

Following the Grenfell tragedy in June 2017, we proactively instigated a full review of our high-rise portfolio and identified buildings with ACM cladding. We are currently engaged in a complete programme of works to remediate those buildings.

a person wearing a hi-vis jacket, holding a clipboard and checking a window

Our recent highlights

  • Delivered health and safety training to 100% of identified roles (against a target of 95%).
  • We are working towards achieving ISO14001 certification and have appointed external agencies to support implementation and auditing.
  • Increased the ratio of mental health first aiders across the business to 9.0%.

Prioritising safety and wellbeing above all else

a person holding a mug and looking out a window

Where we want the business to be by July 2025

We want to reduce the average RIDDOR rate (measured over a 3-year period) to under 161.88 – the current average rate is 193.43 (FY21 - FY23).
>80 %
Over 80% of employees will be trained on Group Fire Safety Policy and the Building Safety Bill – currently we have 95% of applicable employees trained.
10 %
By July 2024, we are looking to increase the ratio of mental health first-aiders to one in ten (from one in 32) – for FY24 the percentage of first aiders was 9%.
20 %
We want to increase the number of employees receiving mental health awareness training to 1 in 5, or 20% (from 1 in 33) by December 2024 – in FY24 14.6% of staff had received training.
By July 2026, we aim to achieve ISO 14001 certification for the entire business.
a person standing in a field watching the sun set

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