Effectively managing our resources
We have an environmental and fiscal responsibility to manage our resources effectively and efficiently. In all areas of the company, we aim to minimise waste (measured in tonnes per home built) and, where waste is unavoidable, reuse and recycle as much as possible. Our new Better with Bellway strategy will help us to achieve or surpass our waste reduction goals in the years to come.

Our ongoing and future initiatives
We are undertaking work with our supply chain partners to reduce packaging and have asked them to investigate reusable alternatives to single-use packaging. We have also asked suppliers to reduce single-use plastic in the packaging they sent to us.
As part of our standard operating procedure, we monitor and report all site waste and in 2022 we published a best practice guide aimed at reducing the volume of waste we generate. This included site case studies, workshops, and training for our colleagues.
Our partnership with Community Wood Recycling, a network of social enterprises that collects and reuses waste wood, rescued 825 tonnes of wood from the waste stream in 2023.
We are currently reviewing our company car allowance with a view to having 40% either electric or hybrid by 2025. We have also implemented a salary sacrifice scheme to allow all colleagues access to electric vehicles.

Our progress and successes
- We have maintained our diversion of waste from landfill, achieving 99.2% diversion (2023 – 99.5%).
- We have continued our waste minimisation strategy and in 2024 achieved waste tonnes per completed home of 7.1 tonnes (2023 – 8.6 tonnes)
- In FY24 12.2% of plots were completed in timber frame (2023 – 11.4%).
Conscientious homebuilding that protects the environment

Our key objectives for the coming years
- <20 %
- By July 2025, we aim to reduce waste per completed unit to 7.1 tonnes, a 20% decrease.
- 2025
- By July 2025, we are looking to reduce construction site water usage (measured in m3 of water per 1000 m2 of completed homes) against a base year of FY21.
- 20 %
- We intend for 20% of homes to be constructed in timber frame by July 2030.
- >99 %
- We are targeting a landfill diversion rate of greater than 99% year-on-year.

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